Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an NDIS Business Plan

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Do's and Don'ts of Writing an NDIS Business Plan

Creating a business plan for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service provider presents unique challenges and opportunities. To navigate the intricate landscape of the NDIS effectively, there are some specific do’s and don’ts you should be aware of when crafting your business plan. Our team of business plan writers has compiled this guide to assist you in creating an effective, investment-worthy document.


  1. Be Compliant: Right off the bat, your business plan should clearly outline how your business will adhere to the NDIS guidelines and regulations. This is non-negotiable and will set the tone for the entire plan.
  2. Include a Strong Executive Summary: Potential investors often read the executive summary first. Make sure it’s compelling and provides an overall picture of your business objectives, target market, and financial projections.
  3. Focus on Market Research: Establish the need for your service within your target demographics. Use data and statistics to show market demand. This adds credibility to your plan and helps to convince investors.
  4. Include Financial Projections: A solid financial section, with projections for at least three to five years, is crucial. Make these as realistic as possible and base them on tangible assumptions.
  5. Set Clear Objectives: Outline specific milestones for your business, complete with deadlines and responsible parties. This creates accountability and makes your plan more actionable.
  6. Emphasise Staff Training: With an NDIS business, staff competence is crucial for quality service delivery. Detail your plans for staff recruitment, training, and retention.


  1. Don’t Be Vague: A business plan is no place for ambiguity. Whether you’re discussing market strategies or compliance protocols, clarity and specificity are key.
  2. Don’t Ignore Risks: Every business has potential risks, and ignoring them in your plan might make you seem naive or unprepared. Include a risk assessment with mitigation strategies.
  3. Don’t Use Jargon: While some technical terms may be necessary, excessive jargon can alienate readers who are not familiar with the NDIS landscape.
  4. Don’t Underestimate Costs: A common mistake is to be overly optimistic about costs. Always overestimate your costs a little to allow for unexpected expenditures.
  5. Don’t Forget the Participant: Remember that the ultimate goal is to provide a service that improves the lives of participants. Make sure the participant’s perspective is included in your business plan, whether it’s by outlining the participant journey or including testimonials.
  6. Don’t Skip Proofreading: A business plan riddled with errors appears unprofessional and rushed. Always have multiple people review the document before finalising it.

Creating an NDIS business plan requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of compliance requirements, and a focus on long-term sustainability and quality service delivery. By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be on the right track to crafting a compelling, thorough business plan that stands up to investor scrutiny and sets your NDIS service on the path to success.