Pitch Deck

If you are a start-up company and are looking for investors, then you may be wondering where to begin. Before going to potential investors, you need something to bring to the table. You can’t go in empty-handed and expect them to fork over thousands of dollars, now can you? So where should you start? How can you create the perfect pitch deck for investors so that they will want to invest money in your project?

A pitch deck is essentially a presentation that summarizes your business for the investor. Pitch decks are important because investors want to learn about your start-up in terms of numbers, whether it be finances or sales. Pitch decks will give them an idea of what you are working with and how much potential revenue there could be for them if they decide to invest in the project. Pitch decks should also display pictures or graphs of progress made so far by the company, which can help convince investors that the company is worth investing in. Pitch decks are required even if you are not looking for any external funding yet; many companies will put together one anyway just to get their internal team on board with where they is a presentation of your start up plan or business model backed by data, typically slides.

Pitch Decks are used to describe the company vision and ignite conversations with potential investors (and future employees). Pitch decks should include some basic elements like: Problem / Solution, Market Size, Competitors, Team Members; Advisors, Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC), Revenue Projections and other key sections. Pitch decks can be painful to create on your own. Not only does it take a lot of time, but you have no idea if you’ve created something that would interest people in giving you money! It’s easy to get lost in a sea of information and forget important sales tips when trying to write a pitch deck.

If you want to understand how to create a pitch deck, what your slides should look like, and if investors would be interested in your idea, then contact our professional team at Business Plan Writers.

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Sections Of A Pitch Deck

When composing a pitch deck, a company needs to include several things. Each of these things is very important in the process as they are all part of what an investor wants to know about your company. For example, they don’t only want to hear about the problem and solution, as there is so much more to a business than those two things. Below is a list of what should be included in a pitch deck that an investor will want to invest in.

Intro Section: This section of your presentation should present your case. This means that you should present the problem that you are aiming to fix. Along with the problem, the proposed solution should be presented. This is one of the most important parts of a pitch deck presentation. Why? Because this is where you either capture the investor’s attention, or you don’t. This section should include:

    1. A cover slide to present your company.
    2. The problem slide that is straightforward and to the point about what problem your company aims to fix.
    3. The solution slide. This slide is, obviously, your company and what they can do to fix the problems you laid out in the previous slide.

Market Section: This section will include how you can make the investors’ money. While they may be more likely to invest if they like you or your team, they won’t invest solely based on that. You must show them that you will be able to turn their investment into a profit. So how do you do this?

      1. Show them your projected sales either by using the top upmarket approach (calculating the total market and then estimating your share of that market) or the bottom down market approach (determining where products will be sold and the slice of the market your company can hold).
      2. Create a business model. This is an incredibly important slide that could possibly make or break your pitch, but it is necessary to show the investors what you have planned.

Competition Section: If your company stands out from the rest, this is the best way to show your investors. By comparing your product or company to others, you can show your investors exactly what they are investing in and why it will be a success. Also, including a slide about competitive advantage might be a good idea, as this is how you can show your investors what patterns or technologies you’ve used to make your product unique.

SWOT Analysis: An in-depth review into your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. In Addition, show outcomes of mitigating weaknesses and threats and building on your strengths and opportunities. This section is important to the investors as it shows you understand your business.

Marketing Ideas: This is to show the investors that you have a plan for growing your business. These may just be hypothetical for the time being, but it is important to include your digital marketing goals.

Team Section: Keep it simple but show the investors why you are the right people to make this company work, what your experience and history does to strengthen the project.

Financials Section: What investment do you need? With that investment what is your financial projections? What is the return on investment for the investor? Having a clear forecast that aligns with your goals is key to mapping out realised future numbers.

Milestones/Traction Section: An important section in your pitch, this slide will show investors what you’ve already accomplished. This section can create credibility and even hook the investors.

If you include these sections in your pitch deck, investors are more likely to want to collaborate. Remember, you must show your confidence in growing your company, as well as your confidence in making them money. Creating a pitch deck is a lot of work but is well worth it in the end.

How to craft an impressive slide show

Your discussion needs to create positive perception as well as have aesthetically attractive style to help you reach your goals. For this really factor, you must discover as high as possible about the significant policies of creating photo discussions. It’s suggested to discover the topic prior to proceeding to your task to make sure that you might have enough time to discover all the vital subtleties.

The Subject

The subject matters a great deal in the option of the most effective slide program production approach

Make It Distinct

Whatever slide show manufacturer you are most likely to make use of, stay clear of tailoring the available styles.

Be Creative

Creativity is always favoured.

Make the Text Short

It is preferable to develop slides with messages to convey the message you have.

Make the Text as well as the Background Contrasting

Correct selection of background is important if you are most likely to add text to the slide. To attract the interest of people to your message, it is better to pick contrasting shades of the background and the text.

Do not Use to Many Images

Effectively picked photos can offer your subject in a more favourable light, yet if there are a lot of photos on one slide, they might ruin the whole message and the style of it.

Take Advantage of Powerful Visuals

Using visuals is a wonderful concept, if you wish to give your slide reveal even more thorough and reasonable look as well as message.

Do not Rush!

The procedure of creating a presentation must be appropriately thought over and following. If you are in a rush, this will not bring the preferred result as you run a risk of making too many blunders and ignoring critical nuances.

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